Monday, July 21, 2014

Coconut Choc Almond Balls

Here is a easy yummy recipe for you to try. No cooking and excellent for chocolate cravings aaaand they're actually awesome for you! woot!

Due to the coconut oil they help with weight loss, digestion, your skin and a huge range of other benefits, see Here Plus almonds are amazing! They are packet with vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber. And we all know honey is great for the immune system and Cacao is high in antioxidants! What are you waiting for! 

What you need:

2 Tbs of raw cocao powder
2 Tbs of honey
1 Tbs of organic coconut oil
1 cup of almond meal 
1 cup of shredded coconut (to roll them in)

optional extras:
1 tbs chia seeds
2 tbs protein powder 
1 tbs LSA
you could also add chopped fruit.

How to make:

  1. Pour all ingredients into a bowl and mix together to for a thick paste.
  2. Roll in to balls 1 inch thick
  3. Roll in coconut
  4. Set in freezer for 30 mins.
  5. Move to fridge and they'll last 1 week (if they don't get gobbled up before hand).

Taste: rich and chocolatey and the coconut oil in them makes them truly delicious.

I make my own almond meal by making almond milk and using whats left. Its easy. Soak a cup of almonds in water in the fridge over night. Pour out excess water. Add almonds and 2 cups of water to a blender (I use a bar mix in a big cup). Blend together. Strain the milk. Done. Whats left is your almond meal for you coconut balls and you have some lovely organic fresh almond milk for your tea.

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