Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The best hot chocolate!

Today I braved the Autobahn and crossing an international border on my own and drove to France to get my family back in Australia some lovely French Chrissy Pressies. The Autobahn for those of you who don’t know is to Motor way in Germany and is open speed. It’s so scary to see super fast cars zumming past you and on the wrong side of the road. I got some beautiful pressies in the French style of bubbles and lace and scents and tastes. But I don’t want to go in to it any further than that or they might read this and spoil their surprises.

Of course I picked up a couple of yummy things for us while I was there. A yummy cheese is a must in France. The selection even in the supermarket is overwhelming. So, so many different types of delicious looking cheese.

I also got some dark coco. Mister Apple Tree and I love having a hot Choccie at night. Its warm and caffeine free and the milk helps you sleep. But the trick to a really good Hot Chocolate is to use REAL Coco and the good stuff. Whenever I cook I try to make it from the best quality ingredients I can get hold of and if possible organic because I really think it makes a big difference. Aaaand the other thing is to to use hot milk. I usually put a small amount of water in a saucepan and fill with milk, heat it until the milk starts to bubble making it frothy. Add your Coco and sugar to a cup and pour a little of the milk in to mix into a paste. If you do this first it will avoid lumps of bitter Coco. And Voila! Delicious Hot Chocolate.

Here is the one I bought from France today and its delicious. I also think Dutch Coco or Belgium Coco are really good.

1 comment:

  1. I'll try your recipe when it gets colder! Fabi and me usually heat up the milk and then melt pieces of chocolate bars in it (while stiring like crazy). Then it gets a bit creamy... yum.


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