Sunday, July 10, 2011

Livin' and a Workin' on the land

Been down South / West. Working on the Farm. Love to get back down there. To feel the grass between my toes. To hear the birds and see a fox. This time a wild Deer ran through the property.The Physical work feels so good too.

I can't wait to finally live in the Country. With a big Veggie patch, Fruit trees and Most importantly animals. 2 Dogs, 2 Horses, Goats, Chickens, Cows and maybe a baby pig. Always wanted to pull their springy tails and smack their Porky rumps!

Hmm, and maybe, just maybe a lazy barn cat called Custard. Add in a couple of Kids, a beautiful house designed by Holgie and a swimming hole and Ill be smiling like a pig in mud!



1 comment:

  1. Sounds absolutely wonderful. And with a Nan living in the little granny flat!!


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